--- Description --- A truly blessed outfit by Ryan Reos called Battle Bunny Irelia! The outfit comes with HDT-SMP support for the hairs, bunny ears, gloves, and back weapons. Craftable at any forge (requires elven smithing perk) and temperable. And comes in 4 different color variations.
--- Requirements ---
UNP or CBBE body textures
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE
SMP+PE HDT Physics Extension
Heels Sound (Optional) 
BodySlide & Outfit Studio (Optional)
Netlmmerse Override or Racemenu
--- How To Get --- The outfits can be obtained via crafting at any forge (Elven Smithing Perk Required) or by using AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Suit [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Leggings [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Gloves [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Necklace [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Circlet [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Hair [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Ponytail [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Bunny Tail [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Bunny Ears [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Back Weapon [Ryan Reos] Battle Bunny Irelia Back Weapon Alt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Suit [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Leggings [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Stockings [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Gloves [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Necklace [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Circlet [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Hair [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Ponytail [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Bunny Ears [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Back Weapon [Ryan Reos] Deluxe Bunny Irelia Back Weapon Alt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Suit [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Stockings [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Gloves [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Necklace [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Circlet [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Hair [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Ponytail [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Bunny Ears [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Back Weapon [Ryan Reos] Prestige Bunny Irelia Back Weapon Alt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Suit [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Leggings [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Gloves [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Necklace [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Circlet [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Hair [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Ponytail [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Bunny Ears [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Back Weapon [Ryan Reos] Ruined Bunny Irelia Back Weapon Alt